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Enterprises And Laravel Web Development: A Perfect Duo

author Written by Vikash Jangid on May 11, 2017 692

In today’s competitive workplace, every business is looking to establish its mark online. Online presence is crucial to boost the business and to stay ahead of growing competition. All thanks to trending Laravel web development which provides an excellent platform for creating smart websites and web applications using PHP framework.

Confused whether to use it for your enterprise or not?
After reading this blog, you will be able to make your mind. So, go through the development and application advantages of opting for Laravel carefully.

Why Laravel web development?
Laravel is a robust PHP framework which works as an intermediate between the request and the process. It is an interactive open source web development platform, which is designed to work seamlessly without decreasing the speed of entire web development activity.

Laravel Application Development Company uses PHP framework to increases the security of web application and distinguishes the crucial business coding from the front end. It also helps to create an interactive and rich website with great features and navigation. It also can be used for web app development.
Benefits of using Laravel web development for your Enterprise’s Digital Identity

  1. Rapid and secure

It is used for the business website to be fast, secure and clear.  Laravel web development is extremely quick as it follows Model View Controller. The entire set up process is easy and can be customized quickly. The whole documentation is transparent and easy to follow. When it comes to the security of websites and web apps, all the information is secure. The pre-installed tools offer great security and protection from harmful malware.

  1. Feasibility

Laravel has access to a huge number of object-oriented libraries. The features can be easily extendable which offers flexibility and customization as per the need. Intuitive syntax offer reusing of code and the maintenance is also easy. Using query builder, the things become even easier.

  1. Easy maintenance and monitoring

Laravel has additional unique features like securing the SQL codes in a new model, socialite, eloquent which makes the development, maintenance and monitoring totally easy.

  1. Regular updates

Laravel platform gets updated regularly so that the website is capable of handling trending business needs. Usually, the updated version offers security against the virus, cyber hacking, and malware. You can also get additional features with frequent updates.

  1. Easy and Dynamic

Laravel is an open source, you can make use of it to create web applications as per your requirement. The entire platform is highly secured and you can develop dynamic web apps for your business. It has additional features like composer tool, which can help to change all third-party packages.

  1. Highly competitive

Laravel web development offer features like artisan which reduces the time to market the customized websites and web apps. It reduces the overall workload of business entrepreneurs and increases the productivity and overall security to stay ahead of the competitors.

  1. Community

Laravel caters large community. It offers complete supports to all the application developer and learning enthusiasts.
Features of Laravel
Below-mentioned features, provided by Laravel Application Development Company and agencies, boost the potential of enterprise websites:

  1. Model View Controller (MVC) Architecture Support

Laravel functions on MVC architecture. This architecture provides clarity between the business logic and the presentation. Additionally, MVC increase the overall performance as it has several builds in features.

  1. Eloquent Object Relational Mapper

The feature of ORM reduces the overall task of writing hectic SQL code. The developer can easily work on a database schema with simple PHP syntax.

  1. Access to the Object Oriented Libraries

Laravel has access to all the Object Oriented Libraries, which can be used by a simple call. Additionally, it has unique features to check the active users, to provide data protection, password resetting options, encryption to secure the data etc.

  1. Open Source

The best part about Laravel is, it is an open source PHP web application, which is available free of cost and is extremely easy to use for coding difficult and large web applications.

  1. Modular Packages

The developer can create Modular, user-friendly, interactive and highly responsive web application using Laravel. It has more than 20 + unique libraries which follow trending  PHP principles.

  1. Authenticity

When it comes to business, authenticity is very important. The feature of the authentication process in Laravel facilitates the enterprise website owners to create and provide authorization. The authentication can be implemented easily. Laravel application Development Company provides excellent support to their users.

  1. Unit Testing

The code testing can be easily executed by making use of artisan command line option.

  1. Routing System

Laravel application Development Company provides an option to choose the best route for their applications; these routes get uploaded by the Laravel PHP Framework by default. After defining the routing method, the user needs to mention the route name and related URL will be added by default.

  1. Template

Laravel web development offers brilliant templates which can be used for layouts and content seeding. These are extremely light weighted and many widgets offer JS and CSS code to create amazing designs.

  1. Security

Laravel makes uses highly secure salted and hashed password to avoid saving plain text in the database. The encrypted version of the password is not saved in the database using Bcrypt hashing algorithm.
Bottom Line: Laravel is the Best for your Enterprise!
A well-designed code, with proper syntax by the Laravel application development company, can take the entire business to a whole new level. The technology is simple to follow with high-end features, reliability, and security.
With the Laravel web development, your web-based projects and web apps will be recognized as top notch and reliable web apps, which caters the need in a seamless way. It will help you to stand ahead of your competitors.
Need development services related to Laravel for your enterprise? Ask Xtreem and you will feel overwhelmed by the quality and cost of services we deliver. Our developers and designers can help you in building the best web apps, portals and websites using Laravel PHP Framework.

Vikash Jangid
Corporate Director Chairperson and CTO at Xtreem Solution with unbound opportunities. As CTO of Xtreem Solution, build leadership to the growing and diverse membership to build a strong and environmentally sound IT Enterprise. Responsible for the management, organization and implementation of all activities and programs. As part of this role also helps to develop and promote mutually respectful partnerships around Nations, Business Executive, Developer, investors and key stakeholders within the global exploration and IT community.

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